
2012 年上映的超爆笑電影「熊麻吉」(TED),在劇情中有許多搞笑又白爛的情節與台詞,因此而衍生了許多超有趣的周邊商品,如“說髒話的18禁玩具熊”、“雷雷好夥伴T恤”...等。現在又有廠商要推出了超賤的『熊麻吉』賤嘴馬克杯,每當你拿起杯子就會自動發出TED 超爆笑(也超多髒話)的經典台詞,其中包含了“雷雷之歌”一共有五種,在辦公室與小孩面前絕對不適合使用啊!~
Talking Ted R Rated Talking Mug
現正發售中,使用三顆LR44 水銀電池,參考售價每個17.99美金

『熊麻吉』賤嘴馬克杯會發出的台詞 (許多髒字,慎讀!)
"Yeah, I mean, y-you know when you sewed me up you put some of the stuffing in the wrong places so I'm-I'm a little f@!#ed up, but will you take care of me for ever and ever?... Aha! I'm just kidding you! I thought it'd be funny if you thought I was f@!#ing retarded."
Yeah,我是說,當你們把我縫起來的時候把棉絮填錯了位置,我感覺不太對勁,似乎小中風了,可以照顧我下半輩子嗎?... 哈!開玩笑的,讓你以為我小中風了一定超好笑。
"You ever hear a Boston girl have an orgasm? 'Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Harder! Harder! Oh, God, that was so good! Now I'm gonna stuff my f@!#in' face with Pepperidge Farm.'"
你知道波士頓女人高潮時都這樣“Oh yeah! Oh yeah!用力!用力!我的天,我爽死了我臉上貼的都是大屁股”
"Well you never should've trusted me. I'm on drugs!"
Well, 你根本就不該相信我,我剛嗑了藥
"Alright c'mon, let's sing the Thunder Song. When you hear the sound of thunder, don't you get too scared. Just grab your Thunder Buddy and say these magic words: F@!# you, Thunder! You can suck my d@!#. You can't get me, Thunder, 'cause you're just God's farts (makes fart noise)."
快,我們一起唱雷雷歌~ 當你聽到打雷聲~ 千萬別怕怕~ 快找雷雷伙伴~ 然後唸咒語~ 幹你媽的雷,你去吃大便吧~ 你嚇不到我,因為你是上帝放的屁~(噗~)
"Oh f@!# that, it's been 4 years, Johnny! You and me have been together for 27 years. Where's my ring, huh? Where's my ring, @!#hole? Where's my ring, mother f@!#er? Put it on my fuzzy finger, you f@!#! C'mon!"
哦~幹! 你們才交往4年,強尼! 我們都呆在一起27年了,我的戒指呢?蛤? 我的戒指呢,傻逼? 套在我毛茸茸手指上的戒指呢?你這混帳! 敗偷!~
【熊麻吉】18禁幕後拍攝花絮 波士頓女人高潮片段出現在0:15



使用動態技術飾演並配音“TED” 就是本片的編劇、導演兼製片的塞思·麥克法蘭(seth macfarlane),他也是超級知名的耍賤動畫“居家男人”(Family Guy)的製作人。過去他也曾受過專頁的歌唱訓練,發行專輯並與諾拉瓊斯合唱。

塞思·麥克法蘭 2009 年於倫敦皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳 演唱