LEGO 人偶包8827第6彈&8831第7彈

LEGO 公布了最新人偶包8827與8831的官方宣傳圖片,8827第6彈與8831第7彈將會是系列中最多女性角色的一彈。而8827第6彈是首度在系列中沒有服裝配件的版本。

‧Alien with ray gun.(拿著光線槍的外星人)
‧Bandit with a bandana and a pistol(拿著手槍的西部大盜)
‧Butcher with a steak and cleaver.(拿著肉塊與屠刀的屠夫)
‧Female Surgeon with a syringe and an X-ray(女性醫護人員拿著針筒與X光片)
‧Genie with a magic lamp.(神燈精靈與神燈)
‧Flamenco Dancer with a fan.(佛朗明哥舞者拿著扇子)
‧Highlander with a shield and sword.(高地人拿著盾牌與劍)
‧Leprechaun with a pot of gold.(愛爾蘭矮妖拿著黃金)
‧Mechanic with a wrench and toolbox.(技工拿著扳手與工具箱)
‧Minotaur with an axe.(牛頭人拿著斧頭)
‧Robot with a key in his back.(機器人,背上附有發條)
‧Roman Warrior with a shield and a spear.(羅馬戰士拿著盾與槍)
‧Skater Girl with a skateboard.(滑板女孩與滑板)
‧Tired Child with a teddy bear.(睡眼惺忪的小孩拿著泰迪熊)
‧Space Woman with a ray gun.(女太空人拿著光線槍)
‧Statue of Liberty with a torch and book. (自由女神拿著火把與書)

‧Aztec Warrior(阿茲堤克戰士拿著槍與盾)
‧Bunny Suit Guy(兔子裝的男人拿著蘿蔔)
‧Dark Knight(黑暗武士拿著劍與盾)
‧Female Rock Star(女搖滾歌手拿著吉他)
‧Female Viking(女維京戰士拿著劍與盾)
‧Jungle Boy(叢林男孩帶著猴子)
‧Male Tennis Player(男性網球運動員)
‧Olympian Swimmer(奧運游泳選手與金牌)
‧Red Riding Hood(小紅帽拿著野餐盒)
‧Sci-Fi Warrior(科技戰士拿著槍)
‧Scottish Bagpipe Player (蘇格蘭風笛樂手拿著蘇格蘭風笛)