[D.M.S. 玩具報告] 東尼的冥衣 - Iron Man MK-XXXLV Mark 85


The Mark 85 (Mark LXXXV) is Tony Stark's eighty-fifth and final Iron Man Armor.  The armor appeared in Avengers: Endgame as Tony's current suit in 2023.
The Mark 85 with its enhanced nano-structure is exceptionally more durable and efficient in combat than its base model the Mark 50.  The suit features classic gold and red color scheme with gold parts being: thighs, upper arms, stomach, face and shoulder plates with red accents. The silver exo-structure is exposed throughout the armor. The Mark 85 features 15 RT's in total (14 Micro-RT's throughout upper part of the armor and main heart Shaped one in the chest). when not deployed HUD can be used in the form of Nano-tech glasses (touch controlled). The helmet features updated Heads Up Display with targeting reticle and additional information displays. The Helmet itself features moving faceplate (Last seen on Mark 47).

於《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》中登場,為東尼回到地球後改良的五十型盔甲,可於身體部位做單部位著裝,身體比以前更多金色,配色回歸初代鋼鐵俠漫畫的配色。背部加入六方位重型集束炮裝置背包,並可以直接使用外加能源 (如索爾閃電神力) 加強背包光束衝擊火力,盾牌則改以能量護盾為主。東尼以此盔甲作主戰盔甲,手部裝甲亦可以變形容納和使用無限寶石,但在和薩諾斯再次對決中仍被嚴重損壞。

Source: Iron Man Wiki

主体高約 15.5 cm,以 ABS、PVC 及合金材料組成。配件包括可接於雙手掌心和雙腳的特效零件共 6 支及左右各四種替換手型等,僅此而已。
本体以紅、金、銀灰色為主,雙眼及胸口反應爐以透明件表現,令整體的格調高了一個班次。可動性好,頭頸的可動性令擺飛行姿勢時更加自然。關節鬆緊度適中,各遮羞位置 (肩及腰) 的處理得宜。整體外型魁梧,惟因偏重可動而犧牲了腰部的線條。 QC 參差,PVC 上的金色塗裝不均、多處金屬紅有未除塵粒就噴塗等情況,花痕等就更不用說了...... 後背已準備了新武器 - Nano Lightning Refocuser 的插口,就讓我們等候配件包的來臨吧...... (扣分!)
論質素只值四百港元...... 純粉絲向的產品,不是大愛的話絕對可以無視!

D.M.S. 玩味指數 Play Scoring

外型 Look (40) 33
可動性 Articulation and Poseable (20) 16.5
配件及可玩性 Accessories and Gimmick (20) 13
品質管制 QC (10) 3.5
價錢 Price (10) 3.5
總分 Total Score:69.5 分
